Les Entreprises du Voyage, created in 1945, is the interlocutor of the public authorities for all the professions it represents, i.e. more than 1600 companies and 3650 sales outlets: Travel in France, Tour Operators, Travel Distributors and Assemblers, Business Travel, Group Travel Organisers, Organisers of Seminars, Conferences, Incentives, Fairs and Exhibitions, Youth Travel. Its objective: to accompany the development of companies through its representation, studies and training activities. During the Covid19 crisis, the body was in direct contact with ministerial bodies to defend the interests and implement financial support for companies in the tourism sector.
- Attentive and vigilant with regard to the future and changes in the professions, LES ENTREPRISES DU VOYAGE has developed strong relations with the public authorities.
- It is the employers’ representative body for the sector and as such negotiates with the social partners on behalf of all companies in the sector.
- It acts at the European level: it is a founding member of ECTAA – European Confederation of Travel Agents’ Associations.
- It is committed by agreement, for the entire profession, to the national carriers (Air France /SNCF) and IATA.
- It assists its members in the following areas: legal, social, tax, relations with IATA, financial guarantees, etc.
- It intervenes in disputes between professionals, and for the defence of the consumer in the context, for example, of airline bankruptcies.
- In partnership with the APST, he initiated the creation of the TravelPro formations training centre.
- In the context of relations with consumers, it initiated the creation of the Tourism and Travel Mediation.
- By contributing to the deciphering and analysis of tourism issues, he is considered a key contact for the media.
- Since June 2017, LES ENTREPRISES DU VOYAGE is a founding member of the Confederation of Tourism Actors with 13 other representative professional organisations and associations of the tourism sector